ask about mathrix in Mathrix Fan Club

Mathrix is h o t

1. aww thanks OwO
2. i prefer to you shut up

i don't have a n.switch but i have played Smash, i like to use link and...

1. I do rule 34 so it would be very hypocritical of me not to let them make rule 34 of my characters
2. jaja nose *cara seria*
3. yeah in that game appears bf right ?

1. my best friend right ?

my best friend is @Cbalex27

2. no one cause i'm a good person...
(loli Mathrix)

1. yep

2. i'm bob

3. oh that's better

3. t-thanks...

1.hehe censored, thanks god
2. oh hi kid wanna try some smoothie, no?, ok, well i see your little mic so wanna make some music ?
no perv message on a while that's great

aww thanks i really needed to hear a japanese word

my smoothie falls...
